Photos: France 2012 Calendar

Here I present photos from a calendar for 2013. The photos were taken between 2003 and 2012 in France (Velay) during various summer vacations.

Front Cover: Panoramas (2011)

January: 2004

February: 2005

March: 2005

April: 2007

May: 2008

June: 2008

July: 2009

August: 2009

September: 2011

October: Monastier-sur-Gazeille 2011

November: 2012

December: 2012

Back Cover: 2011

Bonus: Market 2009

Bonus: Market 2011

All photos taken between 2004 and 2012.

If you click a thumbnail, a larger version of the image will appear in a new window. You have to close this new window manually!

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